Ariodante Fabretti Foundation
Via E. De Sonnaz 13 - 10121 Torino (Italia)
Tel. 011-547005 Fax 011-547019


 The Thanatology and Psychological Medicine Institute

In collaboration with:
The Piedmont Region
The Turin Municipality
The Turin Province
The State Archives of Turin
The Turin Cremation Society



Il filo interrotto (The disconnected thread)
Elaborazione e gestione del lutto nella società contemporanea (Elaborating and managing mourning in contemporary society) 

2 dicembre 2000 (December the 2nd 2000)
Sala conferenze dell'Archivio di Stato di Torino (Conference Hall of the Turin State Archives) Castello 209, Torino


The project (by the Ariodante Fabretti Foundation and the Thanatology and Psychological Medicine Institute of Bologna) arose from the need of pointing out some theoretical aspects of mourning, with a particular attention for all who, for various reasons, are concerned with mourning under a professional point of view. The experience of death is the extreme cause of the complexity of mourning. All human beings are concerned with this experience as they are with those of crisis, parting and loss. Therefore, a daily contact with mourning people may amplify the operators’ individual experiences of bereavement with obvious consequences.

Morning hours of Saturday, December the 2nd, will be dedicated to an interdisciplinary analysis of mourning in our society: ancient and actual traditions and their differences from area to area, future situations that will arise from immigration and contacts with other cultures are the topics that will be considered. A special attention will be given to the great urban centres, where mourning displays tend to be denied.

Afternoon hours will be organized in the form of a round table with the aim of discussing the results of a questionnaire, that will have been distributed in about a thousand copies all over the country and sent to the cemetery service managers of a list of Italian towns, and to some private operators as well. The purpose of this operation is to point out the more frequent problems that funerary operators, both in the public and in the private sector, have to face in their daily contact with death and mourning. This will enable the Fabretti Foundation, in collaboration with the Thanatology and Psychological Medicine Institute of Bologna, to perfect its program of training courses planned for the autumn of 2001.


PROGRAMMA (The meeting programme)

A) Sabato 2 dicembre, mattino (Morning of December the 2nd)

Ore 9 Saluti delle autorità (9:00 a.m. – Authorities’ greeting to the participants)

La cultura del lutto in occidente (The mourning culture in the West)

Presiede Francesco Remotti (Università di Torino) (Chairman: Professor Francesco Remotti – Turin University)

Ore 9.30: Jalons pour une histoire du deuil (Michel Vovelle, Sorbona, Parigi)

Ore 10: Il linguaggio del lutto tra rimozioni e ritorni (Luigi Lombardi Satriani, Università di Roma) (The language of mourning between repression and recurrence)

Ore 10. 30: Coffee break

Ore 11: Apollodoro e le donne alla morte di Socrate: la repressione del lutto in Occidente (Francesco Campione, Università di Bologna) (Apollodoro and the women at Socrates’ death: the repression of mourning in Western culture)

Ore 11, 30: La società multietnica: il lutto nella cultura maghrebina (Christina Scarmato)   (The multi-ethnic society: mourning in the Maghrebian culture)

Ore 12.00 Dibattito Discussion)

B) Sabato 2 dicembre, pomeriggio (Afternoon of December the 2nd)

Gli operatori funerari: analisi di un questionario (Funeral operators: analysis of a questionnaire)

Presiede Giovanni De Luna (Università di Torino) (Chairman: Professor Giovanni De Luna)

Ore 15.30: Introduzione alla tavola rotonda (Marina Sozzi, Fondazione Ariodante Fabretti) (Introduction to the round table)

Ore 15.45: Tavola rotonda: oltre ai relatori del mattino, Amanda Castello (A.R.T.), Daniele Fogli (Sefit), renato Miazzolo (Feniof), Ludovico Bevilacqua (Federcofit), Marilena Nicolis (Università di Torino), Luciano Scagliarini (SOCREM Torino), Daniela Valentini (AMA, Roma) (Round table: in addition to the morning relators, …)

ore 17.00 Dibattito e Conclusioni (Discussion and conclusion)