a school to learn how to defend ourselves against the risks.

Education for safety implies some changes in our behaviour in connection with the world and the other people around us. Educating for safety means first of all showing the idea of risk in order to apply pracautionary measures.
It also means knowing the ideas of protection oneself and that of the care of other people. The home environment in which we live is not as safe as we think, but it hides real risks.
We have to know these risks very well in order to be able to save ourselves.
Most of the accidents happens:

- at home
- at work
- on the street

They are the cause of a large numbers of deaths.
ISTAT, the National Statistic Institute, reported that about 2083000 peple (3,7% of the whole population) had an accident in Italy between December 1987 and May 1988.
This is why we create the School for Safety in this sense, in order to show the notions of safety and of prevention, and in order to give rules of behaviour.
The school is designed for schoolchildren and young people between 13-18 years old. In addition to the traditional didactic system, the students can also experience the accidents virtually. In this way they can learn how to behave.
Here are the sections we are planning of creating:
Lab about the accidents at home, at school, on the street, on work places.

- Electricity Lab
- Gas Lab
- Lab of anthropical event
- Civil Defence Lab
- First Aid Lab
- Gas and other dangerous substances Lab
- Radioactivity Lab
- Fire Lab
- Road Education Lab