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The First Turin Music Fair
Turin, Lingotto Fiere, October 10 - 15 1996

When, where and how

Come raggiungere Torino

The Music Fair has frequency yearly and last 6 days.

Dates, opening hours

It will take place from Thursday October 10th to Tuesday October 15th from 10 a.m. to midnight.

Venue and Surface area

The Music Fair will take place in the pavilions of Lingotto Fiere and in the halls of the Congress Center - in Via Nizza 280 - 10126 Torino and will occupy the surface of 50,000 square metres.

Come raggiungere il Lingotto

How to reach Lingotto by bus or car

You can reach Lingotto with the streecar or the buses 1 - 18 - 35. It's also available a car park inside Lingotto.

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Salone della Musica
Uffici: Via Susa 35, 10138 Torino (Italia)
Tel: +39-11-433.7054 / Fax: +39-11-433.1056

Copyright © 1996 Salone della Musica Torino
Progettazione e realizzazione a cura di Salone della Musica e LINK Torino