Associazione Prometeo

Via San Dalmazzo, 11/a
10122 Torino
Tel. +39 338 60.43.692
Fax +39 11 437.42.88


The Right to know, the Duty to take part

Prometeo begun his activity august the 9th 1995; from the beginning the people who joined Prometeo had the urge to immerge theirself in the difficult environment of customers/consumers, because the most significant thing they had to behold was the lack of instruments for consumer defense, and a widespread urge of informations, helpful suggestions and clear intructions.

Prometheus' mith

Where we are

Consumer links

Web tools

For more informations, or suggestions busta.jpg

We update these pages every 15 days, the last was done

Webmaster Vanzetti Piero

We are thankful to Comune di Torino, Servizio Telematico Pubblico della Città, for letting us the use of this virtual space.

From the 15th of november guests visited us.