Introductory part

Since 29 September 1990, a permanent and global common basic programme has been ready. It has been designed and perfected with a view to producing and rendering stably available all the goods and services both necessary and sufficient in terms of quality and quantity to enable every person, community and ecological system to develop and fully exercise the single combination of all their own real physical, chemical, biological, affective, cognitive, creative and communicatory capacities and potentialities.

The complete set of the programme's 60 fundamental objectives and 43 fundamental sub-objectives provide secure employment for every person and community, both present and future, in productive occupations, all of them indispensable, endowed with responsability, coordinated and synergic. It enables governments, local authorities, and every institution, concern and enterprise, in every country and international, to take advantage of full and continuous general collaboration, and at the same to mantain and exercise their essential states of indipendence, experiences and traditions. It coincides with the complete series of fundamental conditions that examination of all the structures and functions proper to nature and man has shown to be both necessary and sufficient to construct or eliminate for thei 100% development and implementation. It is open to updating or confirmation every 50 years with respect to its objectives, and every 25 years for its sub-objectives. It results in the forecasting, prior provision for, administration and short, medium and long-term government of real situations and needs, especially on a global scale, in the most timely, finely tuned and efficacious manner. It can see to its own correction, and evolve in step with the progress of such real needs and situations.

The conditions in which the common basic programme may be commenced and implemented can be chosen from the three following alternative application frameworks:




If all countries and the United Nations adopt the common basic programme as thei own, they will approve its immediate and permanent executiveness, whereas if not all countries choose the same application framework, the programme will commence in keeping with the alternative combination of one of the framework AB - AC - BC - ABC. Once the programme is under way, each country can always pass to another of the three basic frameworks. The effects thus obtained will coordinate and integrate each other.


In every locality and national and international homogeneous area, the progressive, full and stable disappearance - in FRAMEWORK A - of:

1) Unemployment, under-employment, non-essential work; 2) Hunger, thirst, under-nutrition, avoidable infermities; 3) Insufficient and inadequate housing, inhabited areas unfit to live in; 4) Insufficient, dangerous and harmful infrastructures, structures and services; 5) Insufficient maintenance and updating of goods and services; 6) Pollution and alteration of the earth, water, air and atmosphere;7) Deterioration of natural environments, resources and services;8) Conventional and biological, chemical and nuclear weapons. Military activities, services, plants, materiel, buildings and areas. Wars; 9) Avoidable wastage of time, resources, activities and rejects; 10) Poverty, marginalisation, exploitation, persecution, drugs; 11) Families not present, untrained, inadequate and incapable of educating themselves and bringing up their generated and adopted children; 12) Insufficient and unsuitable schools, teachers, methods and curricula. Illiteracy, ignorance, misinformation, lack of preparation; 13) Capabilities and potentialities not developed and not fully employed on the part of persons and communities; 14) Free fundamental, oriented and applied research used and subordinated to harmful ends, or impeded or ignored; 15) Pregrammes, innovations, plans and projects lacking tests and checking of their adverse consequences - in FRAMEWORK B, additionally: 16) Systematic predominance of financial interests, both public and private, over the needs of the real economy; 17) Obstacles, delays and interests - concerned solely with money - impeding provisions, decisions, and economic, social, scientific, cultural and educational activities that are urgent and to the advantage of all - in FRAMEWORK C:, additionally: 18) The powers of a few to decide for everyone according to criteria and grounds for judgement that are biassed or mistaken; 19) Monetary systems, money, and the need to engage persons, goods, services and time therein.


- In FRAMEWORK A: a)Concentration and organisation of all investimentsi b) Saving, availability of all resources previously employed or wasted in activities excluded from the common basic programme c) Creation and increase of new earned income d) Credits less at risk, on more favourable terms e) Greater flow of investiment capital as result of all the better guarantees offered f) Convergence of the interests of the public revenue authorities, banks and enterprises in raising the purchasing power of each person at least to the point of being able to pay for what is indispensable to their full development and realisation, and as taxpayers g) Progressive strenghthening of each currency and monetary system. Stabilisation of prices on the stock and commodities exchanges, and rates of excgange - in FRAMEWORK B, additionally: h) Transformation of money from a necessary factor of production to a product of the real economy directed to implementation of the basic programme. Its real cover makes it available for what is needed, and no longer insufficient for real, global needs; i) Taxes, duties, levies and contributions no longer to be exacted and paid. Availability of all persons and the total amount of resources previously engaged in these functions - in FRAMEWORK C, additionally: j) A real, pure economy; k) Optimum use of goods and services.


By comparison with the results so far obtained by every public and private international, national and local programme - in FRAMEWORK A - the common basic programme indicates ten groups of effects that are fundamental, coordinated and synergic with all the other transformative and economic effects mentioned above with regard to framework A, which make it more attainable and more effective:
A) Immediately, fully and permanently executive. Without uncertain, bureaucratic procedures and times; elections recurring at dates incompatible with the plannig, implementation and management of works over the medium and long term and beyond B) Area of jurisdiction coincident with its radius of action and actual influence. Free from barriers that have become too burdensome C) Objectives that are solely concrete, fundamental and open to checking by any person whatsoever; all complementary to each other, coordinated, synergic. Not formalistic, secondary and secret D)Radical elimination and global, organic solution of the whole chain of dysfunctions and difficulties of an environmental, economic, scientific, educational, cultural, political and social nature present in every locality and area, and hitherto lacking a remedy E) Organisation and utilisation of the possibilities of every person, community and association in checking and securing the full implementation of the programme and each of its objectives F) Full attainment of each objective with the minimum possible employment of resources. Systematic avoidance of all forms of avoidable waste, difficulty, damage and danger G) Promotion, assurance and utilisation of the unique nature of each person, community, tradition, culture, locality, region and country. No opposition between common and single, central and local, personal and social needs H) Coordination and integration with its purpose and method of all structures and economic, educational, scientific, cultural and political activities with all the knowable properties and needs of the structures and functions of nature. Adoption, advancement and safeguarding, within the range of human action, of the programme of nature, which governs every qualitative and quantitative property of the energy constituting the universe investigated so far, and develops and materialises all its subsequent possible forms of existence, both individual and collective, to the maximum of the extent permitted by the respective resultants of all the qualitative and quantitative conditions, internal and external, operating in each: from its first, simplest form to the forms that are most complex in terms of structures and functions I) Coincidence of its purpose with its sole operative reference value, through which the qualification "positive" is attached and can be checked by anyone solely with regard to actions, goods or services that aid in the development and full self-attainment of persons or other entities, and "negative" if such are a hindrance and a source of harm, whether immediate or subsequent J) Persons, families and communities are more comprehensively trained, motivated, participating and responsible - in FRAMEWORK B additionally: K) Strengthening of the roles and authority of the United Nations L) Elimination, through the real coverage of money, of most of the conflicts and international, national and local difficulties in the pubblic and private field - in FRAMEWORK C, additionally: M) Requirement and formation of organisational structures that are simple, reliable, flexible and checkable as possible N) Rendering of every person stroger, more secure and more indipendent O) Opening of the way to concern with what is essential on the part of every person.

The penultimate section of the common basic programme proposes that the country which first judges that, despite such defects as it may have, it is the only tool currently available capable of allowing each country and the entire international community to overcome its financial, monetary, political, educational, ethical and environmental problems, all of them interconnected and in need of a solution before they explode one after another, may invite all the other countries and the United Nations to: Explore the programme and discuss it togheter, publicly, with regard to all its features and real properties. Evaluate and chose, publicly, and in agreement with the majority of all the social components, the respective Framework best suited for its full commencement, in responsible collaboration with all the other countries and the United nations. Prepare the public and private general and local plans and projects necessary and sufficient for each community, firm, institution, and country, and the United Nations. Agree on the date for the formal, contemporaneous adoption of the common basic programme itself, and establishment as fully, immediately and permanently executive.

In the light of these premises, therefore, and with reference to the final point of the common basic programme, the text of which is attached to this Statute:

Article 1 - Constitution, Name and Head Office

An association called "1° Comitato 100%" (already in operation since 1 October 1990) is hereby founded with its head office at Via Alfredo casella 52 - 10154 Torino (Italy), and operating offices wherever required.

Article 2 - Objects, duration, Property

  • Article 3 - Activities needed to reach the objectives

  • Article 4 - Members

    Any person and public or private body in agreement with the purposes and Statute of the 1st "100%" Committee may join the association free, other than the presentation of individual donations. Offices and services are rendered free, expenses incurred are reimbursable.

    Article 5 - Deliberative assembly and officers

    Assembly - President - Vice-President - Secretary - Treasurer - Founder.
    The Assembly of Members shall take decisions by simple majority concerning the activities, results and accounts for each year, and propose initiatives. A two-thirds majority of the body of members shall be required for election or re-election of the President, amendent of the Statute and dissolution of the association. The President shall represent the association vis-à-vis third parties, convene and preside over the assembly, possess all powers required for its ordinary and extraordinary administration, appoint the Vice-President, and his suggestion, and in agreement, the Secretary and Treasurer, and determine their roles and powers of delegation. Each office shall be held for two years and its holder may be re-appointed, Prior to the said appointments, the founder of the association and author of this Statute and the common basic programme, Dr Gustavo Ogliari, shall be responsible for the associatio and its president and sole director.
    The founder shall be required to ensure full compliance with the present Statute.

    Article 6 - Reference to other provisions

    Reference shall be made to the provisions of the relevant legislation with respect to all matters not covered by this Statute.

    Notarial instrument drawn up by Alberto Pregno on 28.2.1992
    and registered as file number 4262/2320 at the Public Registry Office,
    Moncalieri (Turin, Italy) on 16.3.1992

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