Welcome to the Web Site of "Associazione Culturale Chaos"


Unicamente a un'azione perfettamente autonoma e spregiudicata
è affidato oggi un rinnovamento della nostra cultura.
Un rinnovamento, dunque, la cui prima fase sarà
un'opera energica e spietata di distruzione
dei vecchi miti e dogmi e delle ultime illusioni.
(R. Panzieri)

CHAOS Versione italiana

The Cultural Association "Chaos" was born in Turin in 1993 organized by a group of comarades of different political provenance, but all the same coming from the common political area of the radical left.
The main activity of our association is the publication of Chaos-a journal of cultural and political debate. Moreover, we organise public debates dealing with the themes developed in the journal itself:

The journal is on sale in some bookshops of the main italian cities or by subscription worldwide. It is completely auto-produced and self-financed. Being against the private property of communication, we refuse the idea of copyright.


To get in touch with us: 
Associazione culturale Chaos
c/o Giorgio Salza
Via Pianezza 33 - 10093 Collegno (Torino), Italy
Tel.: +39 11 502891  (Giorgio) 
      +39 11 6508961 (Elena and Pino) 
Fax:  +39 11 4310356 
E-mail: chaos@arpnet.it

All the other pages of this web site are in italian (we have just begun to translate them in english!).

Introduction to the journal

Links to some other interesting web sites


You are the visitor n. from 28.03.96

The italian version of this page was created the 26th of march 1996
The english version was created on 25th of january 1997
Last update 22nd of march 1997